Blog Post

Los Angeles Property Management Offseason Leasing Aid

December 27, 2017

Los Angeles Property Management

Los Angeles Property Management says, most people aren’t looking for apartments during the winter time.

If you’re looking to fill a vacancy quickly, you could offer an incentive.

Sometimes property managers offer 25% off rent in December, this is for anyone who leases before January 1.

Tip: #1

Los Angeles Property Management Make Sweet Deals

Los Angeles Property Management knows, large apartment communities often throw in a few additional “sweet deals,” although, this is something that smaller businesses can also do.

Sweet deals are either free cable, or a gift certificate to a local supermarket or restaurant.

Tip: #2

Customer Service

Los Angeles Property Management says, when you get a call from a renter, be sure to answer.

When someone emails you, respond as soon as possible.

When a renter has a question about a rental, make sure to call them quick.

This increases the chances for a prospect to choose your rental over another.

Tip: #3

Non Standard Leases

Los Angeles Property Management knows, certain landlords get hung up on a standard year lease.

Although, if you’re looking to fill a unit during the winter, consider offering a flexible lease.

As a general rule, you could move around lease expirations and schedule them during May through August, theses are peak leasing seasons.

This helps to avoid offseason leasing, at least the next time around.

Tip: #4

Not Lowering Standards

Los Angeles Property Management says, f you struggle to fill a vacant unit, it’s almost tempting to accept the first person who applies.

This is not a good move.

Keep standards high when screening a prospective tenant.

Attempting to fill an apartment during the winter can seem hard, but it can be done.

Everyone needs housing.

There are plenty of reasons why people might need to move during the winter time.

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